Wednesday, September 14, 2011

View Askew (Kevin Smith) App

I threw together an app last night to keep you up to date on all things that have to do with the View Askewniverse. From Kevin Smith's Facebook page to the SMODcast, to the View Askew site itself, you will get all the information you can handle.

Find out the latest news on all your favorite View Askew characters and movies: Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Jersey Girl, Red State, Dante, Randal, Brodie, Holden, Leonardo, The Quick Stop, RST Video, Mooby's.

View Askew | SlideME

Monday, September 12, 2011

Monticello App Updated

The Monticello community app is now approved and activated on the slideme app store. You can download it through their appstore application, or right from the web link here:

Remember that it is a free app.


Friday, September 9, 2011

Monticello Android Apps

I have been spending a lot of time on my Old Android blog and have abandoned this place. But I have just created a couple of apps that hit closer to home and I wanted to share them here for a more local audience.

What I am looking for is a couple of people that would find these apps useful to try them out and let me know what you think.  All you have to do is download a QR Reader (like QR Droid) and scan the barcodes.  If it doesn't work send me an email, or leave a comment and I can send you the file too.  Then just click on the .APK file and it will ask you to install it.  (For more info see this article to learn more about installing apps that aren't from Market.)

Also: If you have any suggestions of other websites or businesses that could use an app like this I can put one together for it.  Let me know about that too.

Monticello School District News:
Monticello Community News:

Let me know what you think! Thank You!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Bunch of New Stuff for Sale

I loaded up the Cragslist with a bunch of new stuff I would like to get rid of.  I decided this time to make is a "name your own price" sort of thing in the hopes of getting some more interest in the stuff.  I have to say that the deeper and deeper I dig into storage, the more interesting the stuff is becoming...

For Sale:
Gameboy Advance -
Palm OS PDA -
Pet Cage -
Snappy -
Gamegear Games -
Palm Treo 700WX -
Bed Rail -
Media Duplication Boards -
PowerMac Processor -
Motorola Droid a855 -
Palm Treo 700P -
Comic Books -
1991 Topps Baseball -
1991 MusiCards -

Well that is it for now.  I need to find more of my sports cards and get them up for sale.  Maybe an ebay sale too...  Have to see what I find...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Past Car Troubles

On my way into work today I saw a car that had broken down on the shoulder of the road, and behind it, stopped to help was a full tractor trailer. It reminded me of my issues I had a few weeks ago, and that I hadn't taken the time to post about it.

It was the week that I started my new hire training with Sprint and was commuting into the twin cities, which is between an hour to an hour and a half commute. I had known that my tires were in need replacements because one just kept losing air. 

I had given myself an hour and 45 minutes to get there that morning, just to make sure I could find the place and get myself settled in for the week. I was driving along, like normal, going 5 to 8 miles per hour over the speed limit, which would make my speed 75 to 78, and I felt a vibration in the steering wheel. My initial reaction was to take my foot off the gas and slow down. A second later I felt the tire blow, and the car started to shake really bad. I hit the brakes hard, looked over my shoulded and made an instant lane change from the center lane to the shoulder.

So there I sit, on the shoulder, with no idea of what happened.  I peeked out and saw that it was the tire that was giving me issues before. The front drivers tire had blown out.  In order to change it I was going to have to get further off the road, so I inched over so that I was way off the road, then proceeded to change the tire.

As I was fighting with getting the lug nuts I glanced up and saw that an SUV had stopped in front of me.  Between the 2 of us we got the lug nuts loosened and started jacking.  We soon realized that the jack was too short.  The guy who had stopped went and got his jack and we got the spare tire on. I couldn't thank him enough.  He said that he thought that 2 cars were safer by the side of the road than 1, especially in  rush hour traffic. I don't remember his name (Brandon?) but I remember that he was the General Manager of Papa John's Pizza in Maple Grove.  Without him stopping I wouldn't have been able to get back on the road.

So I started off again.  I called my manager to update him that I was back on the road and the GPS said I still may make it in time.  I fought through the traffic and arrived at the office with a few minutes to spare.  Made it up to the classroom 4 minutes before class started.  It all worked out in the end, aside from the $500 price tag on the new set of tires, but the car drives great now...

Friday, May 6, 2011 is now fully up and running.  Check it out and let me know what you think.  I designed the logo all by myself (with a little bit of help from google images).

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Rereleased (With some issues)

I recently discovered that I still owned because I received an email to renew it.

I went to their login page and couldn't log in.  I ended up putting in a trouble ticket to get it resolved, so hopefully I will be up and running by this weekend.

As far as I know the regular view is working, but the mobile site isn't working. Probably my fault. I might switch addons to another one or double check my settings. 

The moral of the post is that if you are reading this you should go check out and let me know what you think!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Excellent Customer Service

Back in the day when I had a handful of websites that I was running I always used to purchase the .com domain name.  Any time I have had a question I have had amazing luck with their service. If I submit a ticket I get a quick
response, or if I do the live chat they take care of it on the spot.

For example: I had forgotten that I owned the domain name up until I received the alert that it was going to expire. The only issue was that I didn't know my username or password. Within 5 minutes of going to my password was reset and the rep was checking everything out to make sure their were no issues.

I am just impressed that the rep would go above and beyond to make sure everything was right. That's what is missing in most companies customer service model. it's making sure the customer doesn't have to come back again and again when it could have been fixed on the first visit.

In short, if you are looking for a domain name check out

Training Week 3 Day 2

Training went well for day one, now onto day 2. Just a bunch of independent work and a 60 minute check in. On a side note: It looks like today is going to be a nice day out. Maybe it's good I'll be in a windowless room...

Monday, May 2, 2011


I begin an exciting 3rd week of training this week, but it is different from a conventional training in the fact that it is taken virtually with people across the country.  There is a virtual classroom application and I have a VOIP headset so I can hear and interact.

It will be an interesting week.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mmmmm Gingerbread

So I decided that it was time to wipe my phone and start from scratch (again).  It was running horribly slow and to even make a call I had to wait for the home screen to load.  While I was making this decision I started looking through the Rom Manager app (available in Android Market) and came across ChevyNo1's new Gingerbread build.

I did a double backup of my current setup (all possible since I have a rooted phone) so I had nothing to lose.  If it messed up I just have to boot the phone into recovery mode and reload my backup.  It downloaded and installed flawlessly.  I did the initial Google login setup and let it load for a half hour or so when it was done.  I noticed it was getting pretty warm, then I saw there was an icon in the notification bar.   I checked it out and it had said that it had reloaded my 60 apps.  That was pretty sweet.

With the fresh OS installed the phone works amazingly fast and looks even better.  It has a Black theme, which means they got rid of the ugly grey bar that I hate so much, plus the menus and icons are all redesigned too.  Visually it has a few cool scrolling and opening/closing effects, and my favorite effect is when you turn off the screen, or let it time out it looks like an old TV powering off.

I am not going to go into great detail, I just wanted to share that it has been a good experience so far.  I think I'll keep it until something better comes out.  I had actually held onto the last one for a few months, probably the longest running version for my phone since I got it a year and a half ago...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Second Life - My thoughts

So I decided to (finally) try out this whole Second Life thing. I was watching some reruns of The Office and there is an episode where Dwight has a Second Life and it is exactly like his normal life, except he can fly... So I signed up (free) and created a character that looks nothing like me (out of the 10 or so preset characters you can pick from) and installed the game.

The download was quick, and the 2nd download during install was pretty quick too.  A very easy process. I did get an error that my video card wasn't recognized, so we'll have to see how that goes.  It logged me in, made me accept the terms and conditions.  Went through download part 3 and BAM there I was.

I was immediately invited to the Zombie Attack group because I was referred from their website.  Lots of Zombie attacks and my first in-game impression isn't good.  This is like a horrible zombie game.  I then went into the Destination Guide and and teleported myself to a random place.  This time the Grand Canyon. Even after changing the graphic settings every which way, it doesn't look all that good.  Plus that graphics card error seems to be an issue in that the screen flickers or goes blank.

I guess I'll uninstall and maybe try something else... Any suggestions?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Craigslist Scammers

Out of nowhere today I got a handful of emails in regards to my items for sale on Craigslist.  I was excited about it, so I started to reply.  Then I noticed a pattern with the emails. One was simply "We like it", then next was "Interested" and the third was also "Interested".  Plus, they had typed something very similar to "still have your stuff?" in the subject line. I knew it didn't look right so I decided to investigate. 

Fortunately, since I am a Gmail user there is a little downward pointing arrow to the top right of the message. (as seen in the below picture.)  Actually every email provider should have the same type of option, I just like Gmail the best.

Clicking this link gives you a list of options for the email. One of these options is called "Show Original".  What this does is opens up a new window and gives you the text details of the message. What their servers see the email like.  All of the data that you don't normally need to see.  The email program (or website) take this raw information and turn it into a presentable email message.

Once this page is loaded it looks like the below image.  What you are seeing here is actually the very bottom of the message, Starting (at the bottom and working up) with the message itself and the senders information. I pointed out the main piece of information that I was looking for, which is an IP Address.

So at this point we have an IP address.  What good is that?  It actually isn't the IP Address of the person who sent the email.  It is the IP Address of the internet provider from where the email was sent.  What makes this a little (or sometimes a lot) inaccurate is that it is possible with some email addresses using the web client it could show the IP address as the address of the email provider.  What I ended up finding with these few emails was a little bit more. I went to the website: and clicked on "Find hostname of this IP Address".  It is a website that gives you some public information about an IP Address.

And there you have it.  Saudi Arabia.  I ran the other IP Adresses and got Thailand and United Arab Emirates.  Blatantly not local. I decided not to reply to the emails and just let it be.  I just don't want them to get my actual email address, when all they have now is the anonymous Craigslist email.

So hopefully this will help at least one person from being scammed when selling stuff online. 

Saturday, February 26, 2011

$15 iMac?

So I picked up another DIRT CHEAP Mac computer.  This time it was a $15 iMac. I found it on Ebay and contacted the seller about a local pickup to avoid having to pay a shipping charge, which would have been a lot more than the item itself.  I know the PowerMac weighs a ton.  It didn't have a keyboard or mouse, but I have a box full of old parts, so I am not worried...

Looking to put some educational stuff on it for the kids. We'll see what happens.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

21st Century Job Search

A lot has changed since I was last in the job market. I had done a little looking around in the past, but in doing a full fledged job search I have seen how the whole process has changed.
Up until a few months ago I was working for Flextronics, doing Tech Support for Verizon Wireless. I started the job back in January of 2001 and was almost to the 10 year point when layoffs and the removal of tech support was announced. I could have kept my job, if I wanted to have an hour long (or more) commute to the other side of the city.  The layoff was a turning point that allowed us to make a life changing move to the Twin Cities area.

So (to shorten a long story) I am in the process of looking for work.  And I have noticed a few things that have changed.  What used to be a pen and paper search, where you would pick up the daily paper and search through listings has turned into a lot more than just the electronic version of hunting through the newspapers online listings.  Today it is all about using online tools to make the job easier.  Even making tools like Twitter work for your job search.

Some of the biggest tools that I have been using have been variations on the Twitter service.  Many companies out there have been tweeting new jobs as they open up.  Services like twitterjobs and have been a great way to setup alerts for tweets that match your search criteria.  Also remember that you can go right to and do a search right from there.

The other tool that I have been using is  LinkedIn gives you the ability to network yourself through your own colleagues, friends and people you meet at various places,such as job fairs. The only real downside is that if you want some of the more advanced features you would need to sign up for a paid subscription.  I have found a few workarounds for this, though. If you do a custom Google search (ex: charlie d it will help you find names and info about companies.  The main thing to remember is that you cannot fully access their profile unless you are a direct connection with them, and to request them as a connection you have to have a job link with them, or know their email address.

So it has been a learning experience, but I feel these internet tools have made the search for a job, and probably the interview process easier.  Mainly because it is so easy to find out more about the companies, and people that work for the companies before you go to an interview.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Newest Twitter Sensation - 5YearOldSays

I have been pondering over setting this up for a few weeks now and finally put it online.  I was a little worried about regular content, but the girl is full of 1 liners, so it shouldn't be a problem to keep it updated just about daily...

So everyone that reads this message needs to go to twitter and follow it:

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

New Computer?

So my current portable computer is dead.  I use the word "portable" because the laptop has a dead battery and I can't justify $40 or $50 to fix it. Also, by "dead" I mean the hinge is broken on it... I am still considering doing a little drilling on the top part of the flip and using a small bolt and washer on it. Hey, it might work.

So the state of mind I have been in over the last few days (ok maybe a week or more) is trying to decide the best way to go about this. I have been pricing new vs used, and windows vs mac. What it has actually come down to (at this point) is Acer Aspire One 10.1" -vs- Apple iBook G4 12".

My current netbook is the original Acer Aspire One.  It is a 9" with an 8GB SSD hard drive, so I have been very limited by space. I used it A LOT. I would carry it with me all over the place and I have a nice bag that fits it perfectly (with a little room for an extra inch or two).

The Apple is really cool, and I love my Mac desktop.  It will do a lot, and even though the specs aren't as high as the Acer I know that it will run fast and smooth.  I am basing this on the 450MHZ processor on my desktop and all the animations it has. 

The only solution I can come up with is to go with the Acer for the obvious benefit of it being new, and no potential issues, or dealing with a half spent battery, and then hackintosh it. I know that it will work and there are even workarounds to make all of the features work flawlessly...  I could even dual boot it. 

Any thoughts?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Crazy WiFi issues

Out of the blue the other night we ran into some WiFi issues. The wireless portion of the router decided to just stop working. Normally when it doesn't work a simple reboot of the modem and router fixes it, but this didn't. It almost seems to have been factory reset.  So I have spent the last couple of days (on and off) changing settings and testing.

It's frustrating because I don't know if there is some setting that I am overlooking, so if anyone has any suggestions let me know!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Plug and Play Sega Genesis - $20 (Monticello)

From Craigslist:

Sega genesis games to play on your TV.

Email is always on, I should be able to get back to you quickly.

I have more for sale. See everything here:

  • Location: Monticello
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
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image 2196387062-2

Atari 2600 - $10 (Monticello)

From Craigslist:

Atari 2600. Needs power cord and connectors put back on video cable.

Email is always on, I should be able to get back to you quickly.

I have more for sale. See everything here:

  • Location: Monticello
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
image 2196380191-0image 2196380191-1


From Craigslist:

Commodore 64 built into a joystick so you can play it on a modern TV. Includes 30 games. Very rare. Apparently it can be hacked (with some basic solder skills) and have a keyboard added to it. I had never used it until tonight and hesitated to post it, so this ad might not be up for very long.

More info here:

Email is always on, I should be able to get back to you quickly.

I have more for sale. See everything here:

  • Location: Monticello
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
image 2196377477-0image 2196377477-1

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ab Lounge Max 2 - $50 (Monticello)

From Craigslist:

Ab Lounge Max 2

Abdominal workout chair for focusing ab workout on stomach muscles
Sturdy floor-based position helps users experience total range of motion
Supports body, head, neck, and back; works out upper and lower abs
Unique rolled steel frame supports up to 250 pounds
Measures 39.5 x 44.5 x 30 inches (W x H x D)

Email is always on, I should be able to get back to you quickly.

I have more for sale. See everything here:

  • Location: Monticello
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
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Gazelle Freestyle Trainer w/ Thumbpulse - $100 (Monticello)

From Craigslist:

Get 10 exercises in one easy workout with the Gazelle Freestyle with Thumbpulse:
The Gazelle Freestyle elliptical trainer provides aerobic, stretching and strength training exercises all in a fun, calorie-burning, low-impact total body workout. It's one of the hottest-selling exercise machines, and is now available at an every day low price. Includes heart-rate monitor and other useful features, as seen on TV.
Gazelle Freestyle with Thumbpulse:/b>
The Gazelle Freestyle elliptical trainer "As-Seen-on-TV" also monitors your heart rate
Easy-to-use computer display helps you maximize your workout by giving you immediate feedback on your heart rate, speed, distance, time and calories burned
Full range of motion stride length
2-1/4-inch heavy gauge steel holds up to 300 pounds and adds extra stability
Dual-action, split-suspension provides complete range of motion and freedom of movement
Extra-wide foot platforms for sure-footed stability
Handlebars covered with high-density foam, adding comfort to your workout
Low-impact workout provides both an aerobic workout and resistance training
Lets you go from a slow walk to a full run with no sudden stops
Gazelle Freestyle elliptical trainer folds quickly for easy storage
Completely smooth and quiet
For all fitness levels and ages
Some assembly required
Not available in stores
Gazelle Freestyle with Thumbpulse Includes These Features:
30-minute Personal Trainer workout video
Eating plan help book
Water bottle with mount
90-day manufacturer's warranty
Why buy the Gazelle Freestyle elliptical trainer?
Made by Fitness Quest (well known for popular fitness machines like the Total Gym 1500), the Gazelle Freestyle with Thumbpulse has been one of the hottest selling fitness products in the country. It gives you all the benefits of stretching, walking, running, cross-country skiing, aerobic dancing and resistance training without jarring impacts or damaging movements to your body. This is extremely important when starting a new exercise program; even the most minor injuries or sprains can act as a roadblock on the road to a healthy body. The smooth movements of the Gazelle protect against such injury, making this machine perfect for beginners and fitness buffs alike.
Learn More: Fitness Facts About Ellipticals

Ellipticals simulate cross-country skiing, giving you a smooth low-impact workout
They are becoming one of the most popular forms of exercise equipment
Using an elliptical lets you burn calories quickly and use many different muscle groups across your entire body
Muscle Zones Targeted by the Gazelle Freestyle with Thumbpulse:
Hips (gluteus maximus)
Front of thighs (quadriceps)
Back of thighs (hamstrings)
Calves (gastrocnemius)
Shin/lower leg (tibialas anterior)
Shoulder (deltoid)
Front of upper arm (bicep)
Back of upper arm (tricep)
Chest (pectorilis major)
Back (latissimus dorsi)
Stomach (obliques)

Email is always on, I should be able to get back to you quickly.

I have more for sale. See everything here:

  • Location: Monticello
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
image 2194645594-0image 2194645594-1
image 2194645594-2image 2194645594-3

Atari Paddle Game 13 in 1 TV Game - $10 (Monticello)

From Craigslist:

Plug this directly into your TV to play: Breakout, Canyon Bomber, Casino, Circus Atari, Demons to Diamonds, Night Driver, Steeplechase, Street Racer, Super Breakout, Warlords, Arcade Pong, Video Olympics, and Warlords Arcade. 4 AA batteries required (not included). For Ages 5 and Up.

Email is always on, I should be able to get back to you quickly.

I have more for sale. See everything here:

  • Location: Monticello
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

Palm Zire 21 PDA - $25 (Monticello)

From Craigslist:

Palm Zire 21. Useful for keeping track of your busy life. Comes with stylus, case, charger, sync cable and built in battery. Software is available from palm to sync with computer.
Was also used as an ebook reader. Works great in sunlight too.

Email is always on, I should be able to get back to you quickly.

I have more for sale. See everything here:

  • Location: Monticello
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

DVD Library

So I went through all my DVDs and created an online database of all my movies: It has a sweet feature where you can use a webcam as a barcode scanner and that made the process super easy. Plus it has the capability to loan out a DVD so you don't lose track of them. 

All in all it probably took an hour to scan them all in, so it was a really easy task. I have attempted this before and have not found anything that works this easy. Highly recommended.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Virtual Lawn Sale

I feel as if I have has moderate success with my "Virtual Lawn Sale".  I have sold a few things and have some other leads. I have been wanting to get out into storage and go through some stuff. I could probably triple the number of things I am selling.

The main problem is that I keep finding things I need for the Mac.  Things like a new CD/DVD burner and a monitor.  It works good on the TV, but I can't use it while the kids are watching cartoons.  I did just stumble across a $30 LCD monitor and a $20 DVD drive, but then I have made no money on the sold items.

If I could just sell something a little bigger....

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Vintage Snap-On Tool Box - $600 (Monticello)

From Craigslist:

Vintage Snap-On tool box. Push button lock. Some scratches from normal use. Everything works
Got a bigger tool box. No drawer liners. $600 or Best Offer.

Email is always on, I should be able to get back to you quickly.

image 2189193979-0image 2189193979-1

Gameboy Advance (with light) - $25 (Monticello)

From Craigslist:

Gameboy Advance with add-on light. $25

Email is always on, I should be able to get back to you quickly.

image 2189139598-0image 2189139598-1

Treo 600, 650, 700WX and Accesories - $530 (Monticello)

From Craigslist:

One each of the Phone/PDAs $20 for the 600 and 650, and $30 for the 700WX. ALL MISSING BATTERIES.
Also have home chargers, USB cables, and car charges. If you are looking for something Treo related and don't see it let me know, I might have it.
Chargers and cables $5.

Email is always on, I should be able to get back to you quickly.

image 2189131826-0image 2189131826-1
Promote podcast